About BayesO
Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package. It is designed to run advanced Bayesian optimization with implementation-specific and application-specific modifications as well as to run Bayesian optimization in various applications simply. This package contains the codes for Gaussian process regression and Gaussian process-based Bayesian optimization. Some famous benchmark and custom benchmark functions for Bayesian optimization are included in bayeso-benchmarks, which can be used to test the Bayesian optimization strategy. If you are interested in this package, please refer to that repository.
Supported Python Version
We test our package in the following versions.
Python 3.7
Python 3.8
Python 3.9
Python 3.10
Python 3.11
We provide a list of examples.
├── 01_basics
│ ├── example_basics_bo.py: a basic example of Bayesian optimization
│ └── example_basics_gp.py: a basic example of Gaussian processes
├── 02_surrogates
│ ├── example_generic_trees.py: an example of modeling generic trees
│ ├── example_gp_mml_comparisons.py: an example of Gaussian processes with different optimization methods for marginal likelihood maximization
│ ├── example_gp_mml_kernels.py: an example of Gaussian processes with different kernels
│ ├── example_gp_mml_many_points.py: an example of Gaussian processes with many data points
│ ├── example_gp_mml_y_scales.py: an example of Gaussian processes with different scales of function evaluations
│ ├── example_gp_priors.py: an example of Gaussian processes with differnt prior functions
│ ├── example_random_forest.py: an example of modeling random forests
│ └── example_tp_mml_kernels.py: an example of Student-t processes with different kernels
├── 03_bo
│ ├── example_bo_aei.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with augmented expected improvement
│ ├── example_bo_ei.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with expected improvement
│ ├── example_bo_pi.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with the probability of improvement
│ ├── example_bo_pure_exploit.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with pure exploitation
│ ├── example_bo_pure_explore.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with pure exploration
│ └── example_bo_ucb.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with Gaussain process upper confidence bound
├── 04_bo_with_surrogates
│ ├── example_bo_w_gp.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with Gaussian process surrogates
│ └── example_bo_w_tp.py: an example of Bayesian optimization with Student-t process surrogates
├── 05_benchmarks
│ ├── example_benchmarks_ackley_bo_ei.py: an example of Bayesian optimization for the Ackley function
│ ├── example_benchmarks_bohachevsky_bo_ei.py: an example of Bayesian optimization for the Bohachevsky function
│ ├── example_benchmarks_branin_bo_ei.py: an example of Bayesian optimization for the Branin function
│ ├── example_benchmarks_branin_gp.py: an example of Gaussian processes for the Branin function
│ ├── example_benchmarks_branin_ts.py: an example of Thompson sampling for the Branin function
│ └── example_benchmarks_hartmann6d_bo_ei.py: an example of Bayesian optimization for the Hartmann 6D function
├── 06_hpo
│ ├── example_hpo_ridge_regression_ei.py: an example of hyperparameter optimization for ridge regression
│ └── example_hpo_xgboost_ei.py: an example of hyperparameter optimization for XGBoost
├── 07_wandb
│ ├── script_wandb_branin.sh: a script for optimizing the Branin function with WandB
│ └── wandb_branin.py: an example for optimizing the Branin function with WandB
└── 99_notebooks
├── example_bo_branin.ipynb: a notebook of Bayesian optimization for the Branin function
├── example_gp.ipynb: a notebook of Gaussian processes
├── example_hpo_xgboost.ipynb: a notebook of hyperparameter optimization for XGBoost
├── example_tp.ipynb: a notebook of Student-t processes
└── example_ts_gp_prior.ipynb: a notebook of Thompson sampling
We provide a list of tests.
├── common
│ ├── test_acquisition.py: tests for acquisition.py
│ ├── test_bo_bo_w_gp.py: tests for bo_w_gp.py
│ ├── test_bo_bo_w_tp.py: tests for bo_w_tp.py
│ ├── test_bo_bo_w_trees.py: tests for bo_w_trees.py
│ ├── test_bo.py: tests for the bo subpackage
│ ├── test_covariance.py: tests for covariance.py
│ ├── test_gp_gp.py: tests for gp.py
│ ├── test_gp_kernel.py: tests for gp_kernel.py
│ ├── test_gp_likelihood.py: tests for gp_likelihood.py
│ ├── test_import.py: tests for importing BayesO
│ ├── test_thompson_sampling.py: tests for thompson_sampling.py
│ ├── test_tp_kernel.py: tests for tp_kernel.py
│ ├── test_tp_likelihood.py: tests for tp_likelihood.py
│ ├── test_tp_tp.py: tests for tp.py
│ ├── test_trees.py: tests for the trees subpackage
│ ├── test_trees_trees_common.py: tests for trees_common.py
│ ├── test_trees_trees_generic_trees.py: tests for trees_generic_trees.py
│ ├── test_trees_trees_random_forest.py: tests for trees_random_forest.py
│ ├── test_utils_bo.py: tests for utils_bo.py
│ ├── test_utils_common.py: tests for utils_common.py
│ ├── test_utils_covariance.py: tests for utils_covariance.py
│ ├── test_utils_gp.py: tests for utils_gp.py
│ ├── test_utils_logger.py: tests for utils_logger.py
│ ├── test_utils_plotting.py: tests for utils_plotting.py
│ ├── test_version.py: tests for checking the version of BayesO
│ ├── test_wrappers_bo_class.py: tests for wrappers_bo_class.py
│ ├── test_wrappers_bo_function.py: tests for wrappers_bo_function.py
│ └── test_wrappers.py: tests for the wrappers subpackage
├── integration_test.py: end-to-end tests for BayesO
└── time
├── test_time_bo_load.py: time tests for loading the BO class
├── test_time_bo_optimize.py: time tests for running Bayesian optimization
├── test_time_covariance.py: time tests for calculating covariance functions
└── test_time_random_forest.py: time tests for modeling random forests
author={Kim, Jungtaek and Choi, Seungjin},
title={{BayesO}: A {Bayesian} optimization framework in {Python}},
journal={Journal of Open Source Software},