Building Gaussian Process RegressionΒΆ

This example is for building Gaussian process regression models. First of all, import the packages we need and bayeso.

import numpy as np

from bayeso import covariance
from import gp
from bayeso.utils import utils_covariance
from bayeso.utils import utils_plotting

Declare some parameters to control this example.

use_tex = False
num_test = 200
str_cov = 'matern52'

Make a simple synthetic dataset, which produces with cosine functions.

X_train = np.array([
Y_train = np.cos(X_train) + 10.0
X_test = np.linspace(-3, 3, num_test)
X_test = X_test.reshape((num_test, 1))
Y_test = np.cos(X_test) + 10.0

Sample functions from a prior distribution, which is zero mean.

mu = np.zeros(num_test)
hyps = utils_covariance.get_hyps(str_cov, 1)
Sigma = covariance.cov_main(str_cov, X_test, X_test, hyps, True)

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu, Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

Build a Gaussian process regression model with fixed hyperparameters. Then, plot the result.

hyps = utils_covariance.get_hyps(str_cov, 1)
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test, hyps, str_cov=str_cov)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

Build a Gaussian process regression model with the hyperparameters optimized by marginal likelihood maximization, and plot the result.

mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test, str_cov=str_cov)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

Declare some functions that would be employed as prior functions.

def cosine(X):
    return np.cos(X)

def linear_down(X):
    list_up = []
    for elem_X in X:
        list_up.append([-0.5 * np.sum(elem_X)])
    return np.array(list_up)

def linear_up(X):
    list_up = []
    for elem_X in X:
        list_up.append([0.5 * np.sum(elem_X)])
    return np.array(list_up)

Make an another synthetic dataset using a cosine function.

X_train = np.array([
Y_train = np.cos(X_train) + 2.0
X_test = np.linspace(-3, 6, num_test)
X_test = X_test.reshape((num_test, 1))
Y_test = np.cos(X_test) + 2.0

Build Gaussian process regression models with the prior functions we declare above and the hyperparameters optimized by marginal likelihood maximization, and plot the result.

def cosine(X):
    return np.cos(X)

def linear_down(X):
    list_up = []
    for elem_X in X:
        list_up.append([-0.5 * np.sum(elem_X)])
    return np.array(list_up)

def linear_up(X):
    list_up = []
    for elem_X in X:
        list_up.append([0.5 * np.sum(elem_X)])
    return np.array(list_up)

X_train = np.array([
Y_train = np.cos(X_train) + 2.0
X_test = np.linspace(-3, 6, num_test)
X_test = X_test.reshape((num_test, 1))
Y_test = np.cos(X_test) + 2.0

prior_mu = cosine
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test,
                                                  str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

prior_mu = linear_down
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test,
                                                  str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

prior_mu = linear_up
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test,
                                                  str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

Full code:

import numpy as np

from bayeso import covariance
from import gp
from bayeso.utils import utils_covariance
from bayeso.utils import utils_plotting

use_tex = False
num_test = 200
str_cov = 'matern52'

X_train = np.array([
Y_train = np.cos(X_train) + 10.0
X_test = np.linspace(-3, 3, num_test)
X_test = X_test.reshape((num_test, 1))
Y_test = np.cos(X_test) + 10.0

mu = np.zeros(num_test)
hyps = utils_covariance.get_hyps(str_cov, 1)
Sigma = covariance.cov_main(str_cov, X_test, X_test, hyps, True)

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu, Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

hyps = utils_covariance.get_hyps(str_cov, 1)
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test, hyps, str_cov=str_cov)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test, str_cov=str_cov)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

def cosine(X):
    return np.cos(X)

def linear_down(X):
    list_up = []
    for elem_X in X:
        list_up.append([-0.5 * np.sum(elem_X)])
    return np.array(list_up)

def linear_up(X):
    list_up = []
    for elem_X in X:
        list_up.append([0.5 * np.sum(elem_X)])
    return np.array(list_up)

X_train = np.array([
Y_train = np.cos(X_train) + 2.0
X_test = np.linspace(-3, 6, num_test)
X_test = X_test.reshape((num_test, 1))
Y_test = np.cos(X_test) + 2.0

prior_mu = cosine
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test,
                                                  str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

prior_mu = linear_down
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test,
                                                  str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')

prior_mu = linear_up
mu, sigma, Sigma = gp.predict_with_optimized_hyps(X_train, Y_train, X_test,
                                                  str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu)
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, mu, sigma,
    Y_test=Y_test, use_tex=use_tex,
    str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$'

Ys = gp.sample_functions(mu.flatten(), Sigma, num_samples=5)
utils_plotting.plot_gp_via_sample(X_test, Ys, use_tex=use_tex,
                                  str_x_axis='$x$', str_y_axis='$y$')